Meet and Greet Rotary Night at North Penn Commons
VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION MONTH was honored by the Directors of the non-profit organizations at North Penn Commons holding a Rotary Club of North Penn appreciation Meet & Greet evening. Rotarians were present to witness the unveiling of the sign at the Rotary Club of North Penn Conference room and participated in the cutting of the ribbon to the room. The Club has pledged to donate $25,000 to the North Penn Commons project for which we recevied the naming rights to this beautiful conference room - which is used by all the Commons Partners (and Rotary, on occasion!) A great evening filled with fun and fellowship and we had the opportunity to tell the "Rotary Story" to many interested prospective members. Thank you sincerely, to the YMCA, Manna on Main Street, the Peak Center and Advanced Living for your gracious acknowledgement of all that our Rotary Club does for the North Penn Community. We will continue to put Service Above Self and are humbled by the generosity, kindness and appreciation by North Penn Commons
