4-Way Test Speech Contest held on MARCH 22, 2022
On Tuesday March 22nd, we were honored to host this year's 4-Way Test Speech Contest and are so very proud of the students that participated! We heard amazing persuasive speeches that included topics about healthcare coverage, abortion and implicit bias - all answering the questions: Is it the Truth? Is it Fair to All Concerned? Will it build Good Will & Better Friendships? and Will it be Beneficial to All Concerned? These questions serve as the ethical code by which all Rotarians try to live their personal and professional lives. CONGRATULATIONS to our three student winners, all hailing from Lansdale Catholic High School - Archdiocese of Philadelphia : Sarah Grosch (1st place), Sarah Fernandez (2nd place) & Shane Rodowicz (3rd place). All students won a cash scholarship from our Rotary Club and the first place winner will go on to compete in the Regional contest next month for a chance at more cash scholarships! We wish all of these students the very best in their future plans!
A HUGE thank you to all of our judges, volunteers, 4-Way Test Speech contest committee Rotarians (Kristin York & Leon Silver), faculty, parents, familial support and invited special guests! A nod of gratitude also to Stove and Tap restaurant for the fabulous food & excellent service!