Our Rotary Club of North Penn club was honored by the District Governor Richard Gromis and his wife (and fellow Rotarian) Sue being our guest speaker at our July 18th dinner. Please read Kristin York’s excellent
newsletter that describes the visit. Through Rotarian communications DG Rick’s emphasizes the importance of long-term strategic planning to prevent “Club Drift” as leadership annually changes, “major goals for the 2017-2018 Rotary year is to strongly encourage each club to draft, resurrect, or revise a strategic plan for its club”. Rick also states that “…as always, we will be concentrating on membership, but we will be also focused on retention. Our goal is to start one new club this year and a net increase of one new member in every club.” Rick also plans to appoint a Public Image Chairperson with a primary focus on social media, “The District and our clubs need to have an effective social media presence.”